DaReal Hodler

Crypto is all about patience!

Bitcoin Mining On Track For Sustainable Energy Usage

The Bitcoin Mining Council (BMC) released their first quarter report for 2022. Based on the findings the sustainable energy consumption for bitcoin mining has increased by 60% in the past year.

A lot of critics said Bitcoin is a waste of energy. So the community acted and shifted its focus towards renewable energy. While BMC only accounts for 50% of the mining operations, this renewable energy sources will grow and more miners will shift operations towards these better sources.

What is this space all about?

It's just my thoughts on crypto. Analyzing news, trends, and giving my two cents.

Meme Coins Market Cap Is Up 12%

It's official. Based on the CoinGecko stats the market cap for meme coins is up 12%. DOGE and ELON are the biggest winner with DOGE single handedly rising 19%. All of this coming right after Elon Musk officially bought twitter creating a cloud of mystery, hope, and excitement.

What tokens do you think are going to go higher because of Elon's involvement in Twitter?